Sunday, September 25, 2005

New Sale! This time for teens!

I'm so excited! I just sold a new series for the young adult market!!! (CARPE DEMON is appropriate for teens, but this one will actually be marketed for the YA market)

The book is called the THE GOOD GIRL'S GHOUL'S

Here's the blurb about the sale from Publishers' Marketplace:

USA Today bestselling author Julie Kenner's THE GOOD GIRL'S GHOUL'S
GUIDE TO GETTING EVEN, first in a series, in which a bookish high school junior seeks revenge on the cool group of senior class vampires who transformed her into one of the undead, to Ginjer Buchanan at Berkley, in a pre-empt, by Kimberly Whalen at Trident Media Group (world English).

I can't wait to write this book!!!!


Kristen Painter said...

I hate to sound clueless but if you don't ask, you don't learn right?

What's a pre-empt?

Shannon McKelden said...

Great job, Julie! I think the books sound fantastic, and I read a lot of YA, so I'm excited for you!

Julie Kenner said...

Thanks!!! And Kristen, a pre-empt is essentially where a publisher makes an offer attractive enough to keep an author/agent from shopping the property around. Does that make sense?

Jaci Burton said...

Congrats, Julie! The book sounds fantastic!

Julie Kenner said...

Thanks, Jaci!

Jana Armstrong said...

All these great YA novels that are selling! I already have a list a mile long!! Congrats, Julie!

Kristen Painter said...

Thanks, Julie. I sort of guessed it might be something like that but wasn't sure. :o)

Julie Kenner said...

No problemo :)

Julie Kenner said...

Thanks, Jana! I know what you mean. My TBR pile floweth over these days!

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