2005 P.E.A.R.L Finalists
{Edited to Add: Robin beat me to the punch in announcing the PEARL finalists. We're using both posts because Robin's showcases the entire list of finalists and this post shows off the beautiful covers belonging to OOTB members. Sneaky (and quick) Robin!!}
The Paranormal Excellence Award for Romantic Literature (aka P.E.A.R.L) 2005 finalists have been announced and look who's made the cut:
2005 Finalists for Best Paranormal or Short Story

"Road of Adventure" by Robin D. Owens

"A Hero's Welcome" by Rebecca York
2005 Finalists for Best New Author
2005 Finalists for Best Futuristic

2005 Finalists for Best Fantasy/Magical

2005 Finalists for Best Erotic Paranormal

2005 Finalists for Best Time Travel

2005 Finalists for Best Anthology

featuring Rebecca York

featuring Robin D. Owens and Rebecca York
And, not only were there nominees from OOTB, some of our past guest bloggers (Marjorie M. Liu and Rachel Caine) and upcoming guest bloggers are finalists too!
Wow, now THAT'S a classy post...
Great minds think alike, you know!!
Huge congrats to all!! WOO HOO!
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