Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Seeing the Future

My turn to play host! I'd like to kick today off by talking about my next paranormal release: Visions of Heat. Ready? (Passes out Godiva chocolates and the best French champagne. *g*)

Faith NightStar sees the future. She's an F-Psy, a foreseer, gifted or cursed depending on your point of view, to see that which is yet to be. She's spent her life using that ability to forecast for business, but now her gift is showing her twisted, dark things, things no one should have to see...

However, it also shows her the face of the jaguar hunting her--except this cat is a shapeshifter, a very dangerous and sensual male, one who could save her...or sentence her to endless madness.

Click here to read an excerpt from Visions of Heat, which releases in March next year (not long to go now!) and is set in the same world as Slave to Sensation. And if you haven't visited the Behind The Scenes page on the Psy-Changeling series, you might want to check it out. It's fairly basic at the moment, but that'll change as the series progresses.

By the way, did you notice gratituous cover usage on the right? I think I might stalk that cover model if I knew who he was. (For some reason they won't tell me hmmm...)

Onto the topic of this post - seeing the future. My question for you all is, do you think you'd like to possess Faith's gift? The catch is, you wouldn't be able to pick and choose your visions. Just like Faith, who sees both evil and the promise of passion, you might see good but you'd also see bad. Given that, is foreseeing a gift you'd like to possess?

*Giveaway: Leave a comment to be in to win. I'll pick a winner tomorrow. The prize will be one of the books from my backlist (winner's choice).


Minna said...

I don't think I would like to possess Faith's gift even if I could control my visions.

May said...


If I knew my teenage years was going to be a trainwreck, I'd have committed suicide when I turned 12.

I can't wait for Visions of Heat, Nalini!

Estella said...

I don't think I would like to have Faith's gift. They say ignorance is bliss.

Meljprincess said...

Hi Nalini,
Champs and Godiva. Now we're talkin'!
I haven't read SLAVE yet but it's a book I covet and VISIONS is something I want to read as well.
I'd like to have Faith's gift. Then I'd know if I was going to win something and if I didn't I wouldn't get so disappointed. lol!

Anonymous said...

If I could use it to help people, I would. Sort of like the guy that gets tomorrow's newspaper today on the TV series Early Edition.

Anonymous said...

If I could use it to help people, I would. Sort of like the guy that gets tomorrow's newspaper today on the TV series Early Edition.

LadyVampire2u said...

Visions of Heat sounds awesome and I fully intend to snag a copy when it comes out. As for having Faith's gift, I think I would be able to handle it. I mean, my life is already a little crazy and if by adding a bit more paranormal happenings, I could help people, then I would want the chance to do that. Might come at a price but I always wanted to be a real heroine. Not of the moment, but of the always. Saving lives is worth a few nightmares, and keeping a low profile in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini,

I do not think I would want Faith's gift. I think it would be exceptionally hard to cope with the negative side of it.

CrystalGB said...

I don't think I would like to possess Faith's gift. It would drive me crazy.

Carol M said...

No, I don't want to know what is going to happen. It's better just to live for now and not to know either the good or the bad that will be coming.

Jennifer Y. said...

Sounds like a really good book!

I don't think I would want Faith's gift. It sounds like it could get annoying...especially if you can't choose what visions you want or when they come. Maybe if I could choose when they would come it might work.

Knitting Insomniac said...

I think I'd like to have Faith's gift. It's all about balance, with good comes bad. I'd like to know good things and share the happiness with others. And if I must see bad as well, then I'd like to be able to help prevent it by warning people (even if they think I've lost my marbles) I can see though how it would be difficult, cause if you can't prevent the bad from happening then one would feel like they were to blame cause maybe they could have stopped it. It's the "what ifs" that would be hard to deal with. But regardless, if there is good that can be shared then I'd want her gift.

Angela/SciFiChick said...

While it's a cool idea, no.. I don't think I'd want that gift personally.

Maureen said...

I don't think I would like to have Faith's gift. It would be too much responsibility.

Lis said...

I wouldn't mind Faith's gift. Maybe there'd be a way to stop the bad visions from coming true and for helping the good ones happen sooner.
Sounds like a terrific book!

Kris said...

Oh!! I cannot wait. I loved StS and am anxiously waiting for Visions of Heat. Though I would not want her gift.

Cathy M said...

That's a toughie. To be a slave to your visions would be such a heavy burden. I don't think I would be strong enough to handle that kind of a gift/curse. But I definitely love stories about it.

Cathy M said...

Hey, great fun facts on your Psy-
Changeling page.

Pamk said...

Nope sure wouldn't cause unless I could change it i wouldn't want to see the bad stuff
I have your slave to sensation on my tbb list.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the future; I'm very impatient all the time. I might not like it so much if I actually had it, though.

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