Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Who wants to win a free, signed book?

So Playing With Fire is about an ordinary woman who develops unexpected superpowers over the four elements. She can (kinda, sorta, not really) control earth, air, water, fire and she's now being chased by 2 different agencies who want to test/use/kill her. (I originally typed "kiss" there instead of "kill". Those who know me, know that's a common occurrence.)

If you'd like a chance to win a signed copy, all you have to do is leave a comment in this thread about one of the two things listed below:

What superpowers would you most like to have?


My next book is The Nymph King and it's set in my version of Atlantis, home of the gods' mistakes. The dragons, vampires, demons, nymphs, mermaids. . .Which creature would you most like to date?

In the morning, I'll draw from the list of posters!


Angela/SciFiChick said...

Since I already own Playing with Fire, you don't have to enter me in the contest..
But on who I'd most like to date.. I'd have to choose Mermen or Nymphs.. great idea! Aquaman was always one of my favorite superheroes for some reason.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Invisibility, flying, and Teleportation


Minna said...

I would most like to date a merman or a shapeshifter.

Anonymous said...

I would most want to have the ability of healing or the ability to fly.

I would want to date a vampire. Of course, the other choices don't sound too bad either lol!

Anonymous said...

I'd most like to date a Nymph or a Dragon ;)

May said...

I would like to be able to teleport.

I hate wasting time travelling.

Jennifer Y. said...

I am not sure I would want superpowers...but I guess flying or teleporting would be cool...your heroine's powers sound neat to have too. Oh, and I just thought of another one. I would not mind having the power of the girl on the tv show Heroes. She is invincible...does not seem to be capable of being hurt. Her body heals itself.

I already have this book though so you don't have to enter me. I just wanted to answer.

I would most likely date a merman or a shapeshifter.

Meljprincess said...

I would like to date a merman. I love the ocean and I think it would be thrilling to swim with him and explore the mysteries of the deep.
I wish I could fly, travel back in time, and breathe under water. The latter would be helpful if I dated a merman. :-)

Pamk said...

I would love the ability to teleport, fly, or manipulate things with my mind. And as to who I would date that would be a dragon. Would be fantastic to fly.

Tori Lennox said...

I would love the ability to teleport. Or stop time. (Sorta like Hiro on Heroes.)

CrystalGB said...

I would like to have the power to heal and to prevent injury.

Rashmi said...

I WANT this book, so here goes. For a bookworm like myself, the only superpower I want is the ability to READ as many books as I want; and to read them whenever, whereever and howsoever without any consequences of any kind. Now, that would make me superbly happy!

flip said...

I bought Playing with Fire. I enjoyed it very, very much. However, a signed copy would be great.

Among paranormal creatures, I like witches the best. I am a geek so studying spells would work for me. Power through studying.

Maureen said...

I would like the ability to fly.

Carol M said...

I would also like to be able to teleport. I get motion sickness and this would solve that problem for me! lol

Estella said...

I think i would like to be able to fly. That would be much better than a traffic jam.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't choose just ONE superpower, but the top three would be mind reading (wouldn't you LOVE to know what people REALLY think about you?), flying, or becoming invisible.

Who to date? It depends on what sort of each creature you mean! Vampires, for example, are, in some literature and television and stuff, shown as evil, soulless creatures, and in others they're very human. So it just depends!

Liz said...

A shifter any kind but especially one that could change int oa black panther or a white tiger

LadyVampire2u said...

Books sound awesome and are now on my list as a must have!
What superpowers would I most like to have? Kind of hard to pick only one. I think I would like to be a Shape Shifter. But a Multiple Shifter, able to take many different forms instead of only one.
Only one choice of paranormal? Man its hard to pick! I am at a tie so my pick would either be a vampire or dragon.

Brandy said...

I already own Playing With Fire, so don't enter me. I just had to say that it was a great book and I can't wait to read The Nymph King. As for what super power I'd most like to have...I think I'd like to be precognitive. That way, maybe I can help other people in some way.

Knitting Insomniac said...

I'm probably late for the contest but I wanted to post anyway.

I'd like to date a vampire. there's just something so mysterious about a creature that is physically young forever, has lived centuries and seen things that I can only read about in history books. And the fact that they're supposed to be handsome doesn't hurt either :D

Playing with fire and The Nymph King both sound really great. I have added them to my TBP list :)

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