Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Susan Kearney News

Hi ,
I'm pleased to announce Tor offered me another contract. So in 2008, expect to see the sequel to ISLAND HEAT, titled SOLAR HEAT. In this book I take readers back into space and eventually it's going to tie into my Rystani Warrior serries that began with THE CHALLENGE.

In addition, I've contracted for another romantic thriller, the sequel to KISS ME DEADLY , again set in Tampa. So I have a busy year ahead of me.

And we just finished shooting the COS book trailer for ISLAND HEAT. I can't ait to see it. In this one we used a boat and a helicopter. I'll post again when it's available on my web site--which I'm going to update when I find time.

Meanwhile, I'm going back to SOLAR HEAT. I'm at page 100. The heroine is trapped and the hero is searching for her. :)



Estella said...

Congrats on your contract!

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