Thursday, October 19, 2006

What a perfect time for good news!

I am thrilled to announce that just this afternoon my agent finalized a deal with Silhouette's new imprint, NOCTURNE, for the first two books in my new dark paranormal series, AFTER MOONRISE! The novels will focus on a paranormal investigative team, After Moonrise, that deals with the underbelly of the supernatural. The world is much like ours, only darker. Ghosts, hauntings, possessions, supernatural crimes, etc., are the norm, although only a minority of people can influence the spirits. My team at After Moonrise handles the darkest and most dangerous of supernatural events...with a heavy dose of sexy, sexy, sexy...

I'm so excited about this series! I've had the idea for a couple years, and love getting the opportunity to write something that I've been thinking and thinking and thinking about!


Jennifer Y. said...


Brandy said...

Oooh, sounds great. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations! That is awesome news! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! :)

Carol M said...

Congratulations, PC! I'm looking forward to reading this new Nocturne line! I've already heard about some of the books that are coming out and they sound good!

Estella said...

Congrats PC!

Meljprincess said...

Congrats PC! I love the NOCTURNE line. I have the first two and I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the November books. Can't wait to read yours.

Jaci Burton said...

Congrats PC! The series sounds awesome! :-)

Vivi Anna said...

Yeah PC! Your series sounds very cool. Wow, I'm in the same line as PC Cast! How freakin' cool is that?????

PC Cast said...

Yea! I'm thrilled about this line! I loved the old Shadows imprint and this kinda reminds me of that.

And yea for us Vivi Anna! I'd love to hear about Blood Secrets! The Nocturne deal has happened so fast that I haven't even checked out the author website.

Pamk said...

big congrats. I have a couple from this line on my tbb list and this whole line sounds fantastic.

Vivi Anna said...

BLOOD SECRETS is book in the Valorian Journals. Take Gil Grissom from CSI and make him a vampire, make Nick at lycan, and Sara a witch, and put them in a city called Necropolis where only otherworlders live...give them a few murders to solve and you have my series....

Lis said...

Congrats PC! Sounds great :o)

LadyVampire2u said...

Congratulations!! Sounds like an awesome series.

PC Cast said...

Sounds intriguing Vivi Anna! This imprint is going to be fantastic!

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