Hello from Deidre Knight!
Just a brief hello to thank all of you who are stopping in and linking to our group site. We are aiming to create a wonderful resource for paranormal readers, a site with contests and appearance information, and who knows what else just yet. I can guarantee you this much, however--you'll want to visit often! :)
And while I'm here, I would just like to draw your attention to Gena Showalter's upcoming release, AWAKEN ME DARKLY, which just received an amazing review. Check it out!
Thanks again for stopping in, and if you have suggestions on what you'd like to see here, please feel free to post them!
I'd be interested to know several things:
1) How long each member of the blogosphere has been writing?
2) How did you stumble into writing paranormals?
3) Any advice for those of us writers (of any genre) still struggling?
Thanks ladies!! I look forward to many great posts!
I've been writing 6 or 7 seven years now, and started writing paranormals because that's what I loved to read most. Those were the stories in my head LOL
My advice to all writers is to write the book from start to finish, polish it up as best you can, then submit to the proper places. Then, repeat as necessary. A finished manuscript puts you way ahead of the game.
I've been writing for about 5 years now, at least seriously. I dabbled a bit before then but it wasn't until I wrote a complete manuscript that I considered myself a writer.
I started writing contemporaries, then read a few paranormals from my publisher and fell in love with the genre! Now everything I write seems to fall into the paranormal realm, and I couldn't be happier.
Write the story of your heart. Don't write to the market, write what makes your inner voice sing. And finish a book before you start another. Get feedback from critique partners who will be honest with you about your work. It will make your writing stronger.
Good luck, Jana!
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