Saturday, October 28, 2006

James Webb Joins the Club!

I put an entry on my blog about James Webb getting treated like a romance writer. I'd love it if some of you gave me your thoughts on this.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Parallel Series

The second book in a thrilling new trilogy...

In Parallel Attraction, Deidre Knight created an unforgettable alternate world of danger, seduction and the mysteries of time. Here she returns to that world as alien warrior Marco McKinley is enlisted to personally protect beautiful human solider Thea Haven. Now, as two sworn enemies are pitted against each other, their lives will be changed forever by the unpredictable perils of love, betrayal, vengeance and passion.

Available April 2007

Coming Soon.....

I just wanted to give you all a sneak peek at some of the titles coming soon to OOTB authors. I think all of these look like WONDERFUL reads. It makes me wish I would win the lottery so I could buy more books!!!

Coming in DECEMBER 2006

Coming in JANUARY 2007

Coming in FEBRUARY 2007

These aren't all!! Stay tuned to the scroll just over there --> for more Coming Soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Don't Know About You....

...but I love these covers!

You can see more hot covers, as well as several book trailers at Susan's website.

Congrats to....


who won a copy of YOUR PLANET OR MINE? by Susan Grant. Thanks to everyone who entered!!

minna -- email me with your mailing address (


Congrats to

ruby gw

Email me ( since Gena's having some internet woes today. I'll pass your info along to her!

And to abookworm -- your superpower request cracked me up! Email me ( your address and I'll send you my copy of PLAYING WITH FIRE. It's g-o-o-d!!!! And I love helping out fellow book geeks!

WHITE HEAT Winner!!!

Jennifer Y come on down! You're the winner of Secrets Volume 12!!

Send me an email to with your mailing address and I'll pop it in the mail!

Congrats lady!


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My Favorite Earthling

Even a Goddess can have a bad day...

Keira, warrior-queen of the galaxy, is as famous for her beauty as she is for avoiding marriage. But when an upstart little planet called Earth threatens her world with its fleet of spaceships, the fate of her people lies in her hands. She must bind herself to a barbarian from the rogue world...or face the destruction of her own!

She's what he never knew he always wanted...

Confirmed bachelor Jared Jasper knew the trick Earth pulled on the alien invaders wasn't a permanent solution. What they needed was a peace treaty. It just never occurred to him that he would wind up on the bargaining table. Playing the pushover groom to a mouthy alien babe who knows how to use a plasma sword is not exactly his idea of fun. But with six-billion people depending on him, he doesn't have much choice--sleep with the enemy...or bring on interstellar war.

Strange bedmates? You bet. But this alliance may turn into a romance the likes of which this galaxy's never seen!

Now available for Pre-Order on Amazon.

Flyin' All Around the World

Susan Grant is globe-trotting today but she said I could give away a copy of YOUR PLANET OR MINE? to a lucky winner. In case you didn't know, YOUR PLANET OR MINE? is the first in a series. I'll post about the second book -- MY FAVORITE EARTHLING -- in just a minute...

But first

If you want to win a copy of YOUR PLANET OR MINE?, tell me who your favorite alien is (literature or television). Mine is John Crichton of Farscape.

Truth be told, John (played by Ben Browder) is human in an alien landscape, which makes him the alien (and quite the sought-after individual). Plus, he just looks good in leather pants.

So which alien gets you hot under the collar? Leave your comment below!!

She Wrote About *Me*

(Not really, but a girl can dream, right?)

I'm talking about Susan Grant's YOUR PLANET OR MINE?

Think the grocery store is a great place to meet men?

Hunky interstellar fugitive, aisle 5.

With outrageously false accusations piling up against her famous political family and an ex-fiancé in hot water determined to take her down with him, the last thing Jana Jasper needs is more trouble--especially man trouble. But when she heads to the grocery store for an ice cream fix, not only does the muscled hunk in the frozen foods section ranting about spaceships and invasions look crazy, he looks... familiar.

Cavin of Far Star has never forgotten the girl he met during his weeks spent on that quaint little world, planet Earth, the girl who didn't believe he was real. And now he'll risk his future to save her. All she has to do is take him to her leader. Simple enough plan--although Jana isn't so easily convinced. Hell-bent on charming his way past her defenses, he's determined to stay one step ahead of the galaxy's most feared assassin--and may just capture his favorite Earthling's heart in the process.

Who wants to win a free, signed book?

So Playing With Fire is about an ordinary woman who develops unexpected superpowers over the four elements. She can (kinda, sorta, not really) control earth, air, water, fire and she's now being chased by 2 different agencies who want to test/use/kill her. (I originally typed "kiss" there instead of "kill". Those who know me, know that's a common occurrence.)

If you'd like a chance to win a signed copy, all you have to do is leave a comment in this thread about one of the two things listed below:

What superpowers would you most like to have?


My next book is The Nymph King and it's set in my version of Atlantis, home of the gods' mistakes. The dragons, vampires, demons, nymphs, mermaids. . .Which creature would you most like to date?

In the morning, I'll draw from the list of posters!

Winner of Nalini's Comp

Thanks to everyone who commented on the pros and cons of seeing the future. It certainly would be a fascinating gift wouldn't it?

Without further ado, the winner of the giveaway is: Sharon

Congratulations! Email me (nalini @ your address and the title of the book you'd like from my backlist and I'll get it out to you!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Congratulations to Chantal, who won KILLING MOON, my first Berkley paranormal romantic suspense.

Chantal, please e-mail me your full name and snail-mail address so I can send you your book.


WHITE HEAT Contest and Halloween Hello

Hi everyone!

It's my day to host and I must tell you it's hard to sit inside when it's feeling very Halloween outside! It's 41 degrees, sunny and has that certain shiver of fall - you know, that little sizzle inside your body which always reminds me of those three witches in Macbeth who said, "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!" I love fall. For a paranormal author, it's an inspiration.

My contest today is more like a random drawing of anyone who posts in response to this blog. I'll have my husband pick a number out of a hat and if your post is that number, you'll win! (Check back tomorrow to see). What will you win?

Secrets Volume 12, which has my story WHITE HEAT in it!!

On an ice planet in the middle of nowhere, two loners who never should have met find each other. One has decided to stop running. The other has just started...

Mmmm... cover guy is yummy! And the stories in this anthology are all fantastic. We got a 4 1/2 star Top Pick from RT Bookclub Magazine!

I was trying to think of something spooky and fun to talk about, but it's hard to focus after having eaten about 200 little packets of M&Ms from my Halloween candy stash (sorry neighborhood kids!!). So I guess I'll ask your advice - how do you stay away from all the candy in your house?? Surely there must be a way for a choco-holic to keep off the sauce during this time of year?

Happy Halloween All!
Leigh Wyndfield


Congratulations to:

Lis &

Ellie W!!!!

Send me your mailing info. to and I'll mail you your copies of Seduced by Magic!



Seeing the Future

My turn to play host! I'd like to kick today off by talking about my next paranormal release: Visions of Heat. Ready? (Passes out Godiva chocolates and the best French champagne. *g*)

Faith NightStar sees the future. She's an F-Psy, a foreseer, gifted or cursed depending on your point of view, to see that which is yet to be. She's spent her life using that ability to forecast for business, but now her gift is showing her twisted, dark things, things no one should have to see...

However, it also shows her the face of the jaguar hunting her--except this cat is a shapeshifter, a very dangerous and sensual male, one who could save her...or sentence her to endless madness.

Click here to read an excerpt from Visions of Heat, which releases in March next year (not long to go now!) and is set in the same world as Slave to Sensation. And if you haven't visited the Behind The Scenes page on the Psy-Changeling series, you might want to check it out. It's fairly basic at the moment, but that'll change as the series progresses.

By the way, did you notice gratituous cover usage on the right? I think I might stalk that cover model if I knew who he was. (For some reason they won't tell me hmmm...)

Onto the topic of this post - seeing the future. My question for you all is, do you think you'd like to possess Faith's gift? The catch is, you wouldn't be able to pick and choose your visions. Just like Faith, who sees both evil and the promise of passion, you might see good but you'd also see bad. Given that, is foreseeing a gift you'd like to possess?

*Giveaway: Leave a comment to be in to win. I'll pick a winner tomorrow. The prize will be one of the books from my backlist (winner's choice).

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sneak Peek at a Stressed Damsel

I guess it's my turn to play hostess, and it's a good thing this is a virtual party instead of a real-world one, or I wouldn't be able to let guests in the front door, and my party food might consist of Goldfish crackers and a few cans of Diet Dr Pepper. I just turned in a book, then immediately got copy edits on another book, and I'm leaving for New York in the morning.

It seems like the title of my next book, Damsel Under Stress is more and more applicable to my life! No, it's not autobiographical. It's the next book in my fantasy/chick lit series about Katie Chandler, an ordinary (in fact, extraordinarily ordinary) girl who finds herself working at a magical company, which ends up complicating her life in a variety of ways. This book continues the story begun in Enchanted, Inc. and Once Upon Stilettos.

So, since I'm leaving my party guests standing on the front porch, nibbling on crackers, I feel like I should provide some entertainment instead. In an Out of the Blogosphere exclusive, here's the world premiere of the opening of Damsel Under Stress, which will be on sale May 1:

The last thing I expected to see when I stepped through the door of the coffee shop was a fairy godmother. Not that fairy godmothers are normally high on the list of things I expect to see, even as weird as my life is. I work for a magical company, so running into fairies, gnomes, elves, wizards, and talking gargoyles is something that happens every day. But I’d never yet seen an honest-to-goodness fairy godmother, and I really wasn’t expecting to see one that morning because, for the first time in my life, I really didn’t need one.

As of the night before, I had my Prince Charming. At the company Christmas party, Owen Palmer, the wonderfully handsome, brilliant, powerful wizard who also happened to be an incredibly nice guy, had kissed me like he meant it and told me he’d always had an interest in me. Yeah, the guy who was the magical world’s answer to a movie star liked plain old non-magical Katie Chandler, the ordinary small-town girl from Texas. That Saturday morning was our first official date as two people who’d admitted that we had feelings for each other. We were meeting for brunch at a snug little coffee shop on Irving Place, possibly the most romantic New York setting I could imagine for a casual first date.

Which meant, of course, that the fairy godmother had to be waiting for someone else. At least, I assumed she was a fairy godmother. I know making assumptions can be dangerous, but I was pretty good about seeing the truth, and she looked like Central Casting’s idea of a fairy godmother. She looked older than the eternally youthful fairies I knew, and her wings were a fairly good sign that she wasn’t just another eccentric New Yorker. A star-topped wand lying on the table in front of her was yet another clue. None of the other magical folk I knew used wands. Anyone else would surely have made the same assumption, if they saw what I saw.

I almost felt sorry for whomever her Cinderella was because she didn’t exactly look like the top-of-the-line fairy godmother. Unlike most of the fairies I knew, she was squat and round, but I couldn’t tell if that was flesh or if it was her clothes. She looked like instead of taking off the previous day’s clothes and putting on something new each morning, she just put on a new outfit on top of the old one – and she’d been doing that for centuries. In all the layers of clothing I caught glimpses of calico, tulle, patchwork, satin, and velvet. The top layer was old, dusty rose velvet, worn threadbare in places. A rusty tiara missing a few stones sat haphazardly on top of her gray sausage curls, and one of her fairy wings was bent.

“Yoo hoo! Katie!” I turned when I heard my name and saw the fairy godmother waving at me. I waved back halfheartedly, and she pointed her wand at the empty seat across from her. With a shrug, I went over and took the seat. “Oh good, you’re right on time,” she said as I sat down.

“On time for what?” I asked.

“Our meeting, of course.” She gave a tinkling little laugh. “But silly me, I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Ethelinda, your fairy godmother. I’ll be managing your case, helping you find true love.”


I know May 1 is a long way away, so if you want to be sure to get a reminder closer to publication, you can sign up for my mailing list. I only use it to send out reminders about new books and things like booksignings, so I won't clutter your in-box. And if I ever get my act together, I may have a few parties of my own, with giveaways to list members.

Halloween Recipes

To continue our fun Here are a couple of recipes to enjoy for the Halloween Holiday--or all through the holidays!

Crescent Moon Cakes & Samhain Punch


1 cup finely ground almonds
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
2 drops almond extract
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 egg yolk

Combine almonds, flour, sugar, and extract until thorougly mixed. Use your hands to work in butter and egg yolk until well-blended. Chill dough. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Pinch off pieces of dough about the size of walnuts and shape into crescents. Place on greased sheets and bake for 20 minutes.


2 qts cranberry juice
6 C. water (or 6 C. Burgundy wine--my favorite)
Sugar to taste
4 sticks cinnamon
10 whole cloves
Orange slices

Combine all ingredients in a large stockpot or a crockpot. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove spices and float orange slices in the punch. Keep the punch warm on low heat.

I serve the punch every fall, especially in Dec. & Nov. at family and friend gatherings.

I offer fun recipes like these along with the "spell of the month," contests, and other things in my monthly Newsletter.



USA Today Bestseller & CONTEST!!!!

It's my turn to start out the BLOG PARTY for today, and I thought I'd share my excitement and offer you a contest!

FORBIDDEN MAGIC was a National Bestseller by hitting the top 10 romances sold on all the lists, and #209 on USA Today.

But SEDUCED BY MAGIC hit USA Today at #76 its first week out and stayed on the list the second week and was #10 in all of romace on Bookscan. Not sure yet if SBM is on USAT for the third week, but I'm happy with the two!

My claim to faim is that SBM was just a few down from

by Dav Pilkey. My youngest son loved that book by the way.

I have some copies left of ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) of SEDUCED BY MAGIC. Everyone who answers these questions on this this post will go into a drawing for 1 of 2 of Those two copies of SBM.

Here are the questions:
1. What is the heroine of SEDUCED BY MAGIC's (SBM) name?
2. What is the hero of SBM's name?
3. What is the heroine of SBM's "familiar" and what is his name? (Hint: the answer to that question is in Chey's World of the Contemporary Paranormal)

Check out my site at and come back with the answers for your chance to win 1 of 2 copies of SEDUCED BY MAGIC. :-) Oh, and post on here that you've sent me the answers. E-mail the answers to!




Congratulations to Estella who won an autographed copy of my Intrigue, THE SECRET NIGHT.

Estella, please e-mail me your full name and snail-mail address so I can send you your book.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Paranormal Covers

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

All right, I owe you folks a real blog. And one of my favorite topics is covers. I have stories about ALL my covers from the first printing of HeartMate (one of the first things my editor said was "send photos of cat") to Protector of the Flight coming in February (after review by MANY my Mother, who had cataracts in both eyes at the time said "This horse has no tail." Much scrambling by the art dept.)

I love my "single element" Heart book titles, but know that they can be misleading -- historicals perhaps. Do you all like something on the cover that SCREAMS paranormal or not?

May your reading take you to new lands today,

Alternate Worlds

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That's US.

Ok, so I am late, Late, LATE to the party (but I do blog everyday on my own site), and I don't have a bunch to say, except that we cherish readers here...

For alternate worlds, you have us, and our imaginations, and you yourselves and your own creativity.


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Out of the Blogosphere

Out of the Blogosphere

I have a question. I've been in a lot of real time chats. I like this party a lot better. In a real time chat, everything goes by really fast, and you have to keep scrolling up and down to see all the posts.
What do you all think? Do you like this the same as a real time chat? More less? Why?

Dream Guy Winners!

Here are the winners of my Dream Guy query:


Email me at

I have lots of copies of Ask For It, so if you want one, please say so. If you prefer contemporaries, let me know that. I don't have many of my own, so I may send one of my friends' novels or you may get one of mine. If you like e-books and there's one of mine you'd like, let me know. You can see all of my presently available titles here: The only ones not out yet are: White Hot Holidays, Vol. II (that releases Oct. 31, but the ebook is available) and Declassified: Dark Kisses (that releases Nov. 28, but Misled and Kiss of the Night are available as ebooks)

All of you will receive coverflats and other promo goodies. :)

Thanks so much for the time you spent with me yesterday, and to those of you who checked out the Dream Guardians!


Congratulations to Kelli Estes who won my magic wand.

Kelli, please e-mail me your full name and snail-mail address so I can send you your wand.


Friday, October 20, 2006


Are any of you on MySpace?


I did this!

I made this little video, so it's not the best and it's not the final one. Circle of Seven makes my book trailers, but I whipped this one together one night just for fun. :)

Who's Your Dream Guardian?

Who is your dream guy? (with really good anime pics)

Your dream guy is goth and dark, he loves the darkness,but he loves you more!
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code

Hell Kat Winners

Thanks for playing in the sphere with me yesterday.

I've picked two names. The winners are...



Please email me at to claim your prize!

The Man of Your Dreams

I'm super excited to share PLEASURES OF THE NIGHT with you! I finished copy edits on the manuscript this week, but the cover that was originally created for it has been scrapped and a new one is in the works! I can't wait to see it! In the meantime, here's a bit about Aidan and Lyssa's story:

ISBN: 0-06-123098-7
ISBN-13: 9780061230981
Trade Paperback

Aidan Cross is a Dream Guardian. In the Twilight between sleep and wakefulness, a battle rages between Guardians and Nightmares, with the victor reaping the benefits of the energy created in slumber. Guardians recharge with various skills, Nightmares drain by thriving on distress. Keeping the portal locked between reality and dreams is a calling that rules Aidan's life, until he's assigned to protect Lyssa Bates. Unlike the other women whose dreams he's calmed with deeply erotic seduction, Lyssa recognizes him and his purpose. She welcomes him to her bed as he is, without the disguise of her fantasies, and offers him the first true solace he's known in a lifetime of fighting. Her ability is a gift. And a curse.

Because of her rare cognizance, she is said to be The Key they have all been searching for. The Key serves a terrible purpose--to open the Gateway and allow Nightmares in unlimited numbers to travel through the Twilight. From there, they have access to the mortal plane through the individuals whose dreams they control.

Now Aidan must leave the Twilight to protect Lyssa from both his own people and the enemies who need her to open the door to them. Stripped of the endless possibilities of dreams, they will have only their love with which to conquer her destiny.

  • “Dreams have never been this hot! PLEASURES OF THE NIGHT sizzles as a romance, enthralls as a paranormal, and captivates with a fantastic cast of characters. I didn’t want the “night” to end!”
    - Susan Grant, New York Times bestselling author

  • "Sylvia Day delivers readers to a fantasy world as unique as it is erotic! Ms. Day is an up-and-coming talent in the world of erotic fiction."
    - Toni Blake, award-winning author of SWEPT AWAY

  • "An original, seductive read that kept me up long after my bedtime."
    - Vivi Anna, author of INFERNO

  • "Fresh writing, witty banter, a fascinating world peopled by compelling characters, and sex scenes that’ll inspire you to gulp some sleeping pills and snag your own Guardian. This book is a MUST READ! Sylvia Day possesses a rare inborn talent for storytelling."
    - Tawny Taylor, author of SEX AND THE SINGLE GHOST

  • "So hot the pages should be on fire!"
    - Gena Showalter, acclaimed author of PLAYING WITH FIRE

You can read more about the book, including excerpts on, and it's already available on Amazon, if you'd like to reserve your copy!

Now, let's have fun!! Tell me what qualities would make up your dream guy/girl? I've got lots of goodies to giveaway -- playing cards, coverflats, backlist books, etc. :)

And another winner!

The winner of the advanced reader copy of VENUS ENVY is:


Please send your full name and snail mail address to, and I'll get that in the mail to you, Pam!

Thanks for playing with me at this party. It was a blast. Keep hanging around to see who else is coming. There are still another 5 days of partying going on!

Shannon and Venus


Post winners for THE DEMONS ARE COMING! and REALITY SHOWS are:


Congrats and thank you to everyone who participated! I enjoyed hanging out with all of you yesterday. Thank you for your enthusiasm about my book!

Ladies, please email me at to claim your prize.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Thanks so much to all who posted their unusual stories. I couldn't choose between my top two favorites, so I'm going to send signed books and goddess surprises to Lady Vampire2U for the fabulous story about the girl in the dumpster, and Sagittarius Uisce Beatha for being open to the Divine Feminine enough to listen to nature when She spoke. Would the two winners please email their names and addresses to me privately at


Back again to talk reality shows!

In my last blog post I told you a little bit about my upcoming book, Surviving Demon Island, debuting with Bantam Dell on December 26th. In the first demon hunters book, actress Gina Bliss takes part in a reality show, where reality isn’t what it seems.

So let’s talk reality shows here, people. I’m a HUGE fan of reality television. Survivor, Fear Factor, American Idol, Project Runway, Dancing With The Stars, what's that one with the scary chef that yells at people?…you name it, I love it. Not sure I could handle the eating of the bugs, but I think I can sing and dance (don’t we all? *g*).

Since I love, love, love paranormal, I'd love to be on a reality show where you really could kill evil creatures. Arm me with some kickass weapons and sexy hero, send me out there to fight the bad guys and I'm good to go. Oh wait, I wrote a book about that didn't I? *snicker*

In this blog post I’m going to draw a winner from everyone who posts and either tells me which reality show they’d want to participate in, or creates one of their own. I’ll give away an autographed cover flat of SURVIVING DEMON ISLAND along with an autographed print book from one of my current books in print.

And make sure to come visit my website and my blog

New Kid on the Blog

I'm a little late this morning, but a funny thing happened to me on the way to the see this sexy dude keeps following me around. So, I thought I'd bring him with me this morning to the party.

I hope no one minds....I could always ask him to leave????

No, I didn't think so....LOL Christian's always fun for a party favor. If we ask real nice maybe he'll do a little dance later...

I brought Christian with me, because ah, hello, he's really HAWT! And speaking of HAWT, my new book INFERNO will be hitting shelves soon, November 28th to be exact.


ISBN: 0758214960
December 2006

The sexiest, smartest, leather-clad hell-raiser ever to walk the post-Apocalyptic Earth is always on the prowl for enemies and sexual conquests. But now Kat is chasing something very different–and far more dangerous. she’s caught a killer virus and only one man has the cure–a scientist named Onyx who dwells in teh deadly city of Inferno. If she’s going to make there alive, she’ll need the help of Hades, her favorite lover–a man who’s big, mean, and hotter than hell. But he won’t help her for free–he wants her body and her heart, and he’s not going to settle for anything less than a lifetime of pleasure. Because once they enter the Inferno, they may never come out again…

Read an excerpt here

And to celebrate that wonderful event, I'm giving away two copies of HELL KAT, it's predecessor. So, if you want one, please leave me a comment. Tell me what hunk you think is HAWT!!

I will pick two winners tonight and post them tomorrow morning.

Surviving Demon Island!

Here's the cover for Jaci's SURVIVING DEMON ISLAND. Doesn't it look like they're having too much fun "surviving?"


And I, for one, couldn’t be more excited. Of course, they’re MY demons, so that probably explains my excitement. I mean who else is going to be excited about demons? Okay, maybe my fellow OOTB author Julie Kenner, who also writes about demons. She’d be excited about demons too. *grin*

But my first demon hunters book, Surviving Demon Island, will be out December 26th, and I can’t wait for y'all to meet the demon hunters. They’re hot. They kick butt. And they know where the demons are and how to kill them.

I’m going to give you a little blurb about Surviving Demon Island below, and then I’ll come back in another post to talk reality shows, because that’s how this whole thing starts. I’m giving away some prizes today, too, so post to win!

And now….Surviving Demon Island, releasing from Bantam Dell December 26th:

She’s all curves and combat boots.
He’s six feet of lean, dangerous male.
Join them in a game of survival
That’s as real—and hot—as it gets

What’s America’s top female action star doing on a tropical island shrouded in secrecy? To Gina Bliss, competing in a survival-type reality show is a nice change from fending off on-screen villains. Until she meets real-life action hero Derek Marks. A survival specialist in a tight black T and sexy stubble, he’s arousing every bad-boy fantasy she’s ever had…and testing her survival skills to the max.

Martial arts, jungle warfare—Derek’s done it all. But his latest mission is more dangerous than a stick of dynamite. Try telling that to the sexy, adrenaline-pumped actress who’s got his libido racing off the charts. As the heat rises between them and real-life violence erupts, suddenly Derek and Gina are on the run…and when they uncover a secret so explosive it could blow the lid of their so-called reality show, these two unlikely heroes are about to discover what surviving’s really about….

On this blog post I’m giving away an autographed cover flat of Surviving Demon Island and an autographed print book of one of my current books in print. Just post a comment or question. Ask me anything, tell me anything. I’ll come back and post the winner later today!

And for other contests and fun, see my website and and my blog!

What a perfect time for good news!

I am thrilled to announce that just this afternoon my agent finalized a deal with Silhouette's new imprint, NOCTURNE, for the first two books in my new dark paranormal series, AFTER MOONRISE! The novels will focus on a paranormal investigative team, After Moonrise, that deals with the underbelly of the supernatural. The world is much like ours, only darker. Ghosts, hauntings, possessions, supernatural crimes, etc., are the norm, although only a minority of people can influence the spirits. My team at After Moonrise handles the darkest and most dangerous of supernatural events...with a heavy dose of sexy, sexy, sexy...

I'm so excited about this series! I've had the idea for a couple years, and love getting the opportunity to write something that I've been thinking and thinking and thinking about!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Back with a Fabu Announcement!

See this, folks! I have a job!! Not that being a fairy godmother isn't a job. (Don't even get me started on how hard I have to work on THAT, mostly due to SOME people who are stubborn as Zeus and don't listen to anything I ever say.)

But, I want more. I want to be heard. I want FAME.

So, when Affaire de Coeur magazine decided they wanted to offer their readers advice from the best, who did they turn to? Moi! I'll be the exclusive Advice Goddess. In the magazine and online. Watch as Affaire de Coeur makes itself over throughout the next year. Younger, hipper...still romancy as it was meant to be.

Wow! Not only do I do Extreme Love Life Makeovers...I'll be part of an Extreme Magazine Makeover. How cool is that?

So, really, if you ever don't know how to handle something, you need only ask one thing...What Would Venus Do?

Come on! Send me a question. Let me tell you what to do...I mean, help you.

- Venus


Congratulations to Alissa who won an autographed copy of my Intrigue, SPELLBOUND.

Alissa, please e-mail me your full name and snail-mail address so I can send you your book.


Am I the hottest chick here or what??


Fine! Apparently I'm not supposed to say things like that! I. Apologize. Sheesh.

ANYWAY, before I was so rudely chastized by my, um, publicist, I was going to say that you guys are great! And, so far, no one's gotten Rachel's nervous habit wrong, but we still need some more competition here!

Oh, and I think I forgot to tell you...I have my own newsletter! You can sign up here:

Hey! Why isn't that called VENUS@yahoo? Huh? It IS about me, isn't it?? Upon Zeus, what do I have to do around here to get the proper attention?

Oh, well. Anyway. Sign up for my newsletter. Soon. Because I have some super fabulous news I want to share with everybody, which IS all about me. Plus my, um, publicist, Shannon, may be convinced to give another book away. Oh, and she's been hinting about this fabuluous hand-made, one-of-a-kind prize she's going to be giving away sometime around when my book comes out. It'll all be in the newsletter, of course.

So, I'm trying to decide whether to share my super fabulous, all-about-me news here or not? Might add some more fun to the party?

Oh, wait! Is that...? Oh my ZEUS! I think that's....

Gotta run! Hot man alert!!

- Venus

Hi. Great party. I've been reading the posts, and I'm posting again to remind you that I've still got a bunch of books and my magic wand to give away. So if you haven't commented on one of my posts, please do. If you scroll back through the blog, you'll see I've put up some recipes for great party food. (To win the wand, you need to leave a comment at

I love the slide with the book covers. A very impressive bunch of books. Did you see the Moon Swept cover? I think its gorgeous. It's a reprint of WITCHING MOON and CRIMSON MOON.

My cats are in a party mood. They caught a mouse under the stove a few weeks ago--and they keep looking for more. I keep them entertained with bird feeders outside the sun room. And I put black oiled sunflower seed on the ground for the squirrels and chipmunks.


Winner announcement!

Good morning, party monsters! I'm here to announce my two winners from yesterday....




Jennifer Y

Congrats! And if you would both email me at with your addresses, I'll get your packages right into the mail.

Thank you all so much for yesterday's fun. It's going to continue for the next week and a half, too. All the best!

Stake That! Winner

The winner of the advanced reading copy of STAKE THAT! is:
Billie I
Billie, please email me at mari @
and let me know where you want me to send your book!


Simply Divine

Aren't these covers beautiful?

Make sure you read PC's entry for a chance to win both!!!

I've Got a Secret....

...but it's a secret I'll share just with you. Today is someone's birthday. Wanna know who? Wanna wish her Happy Birthday and Godiva chocolate? Here's a hint...she wrote:

Jump over to her blog to wish her many more!!!

Venus is in the House!

[Due to a previous engagement with a birthday cake and a bottle of champagne, Shannon McKelden is unable to attend today's Blog Block Party. In her place, she has sent Venus, star of upcoming book VENUS ENVY.]

WANT AD: SWFG/G (Single White Fairy Godmother/Goddess) seeks willing Cinderella to help fulfill quota, so I can get off this Zeus-forsaken planet. Fixer-uppers okay, though must be willing to do most (ALL!) of the work. Prefer slender build and fabu fashion sense (for clothes sharing), hot straight male friend (for double-dating), and no family issues (I'm not a freakin' psychologist). The argumentative, stubborn, or those not willing to follow my advice need not apply!

Seriously? I sooo should have used the above ad to choose my next victim...I mean, godchild. Deciding that whoever complimented my new Gucci handbag would be the next Cinderella was sooo beyond stupid. I mean, seriously, what was I thinking?

I suppose I could have done worse that Rachel...although how, I'm not sure. She didn't fit any of the above criteria (I couldn't wear ANYTHING in her closet, she had only a bitchy, suspicious female friend, and her issues were beyond annoying!) She was the most uncooperative godchild ever. Kept insisting she didn't even want to find Prince Charming! What woman doesn't want Prince Charming?!

Oh, and the guy I picked out for her? Hubba hubba. Firefighter. Mr. March on the firefighter calendar, for Zeus's sake! What was not to love?

Well, anyway. What matters is I got the job done. And, it did make an awesomely entertaining book, mostly because it was about me, me, me. In fact, you can just read the chapters titled Venus. Those are my chapters and really the only important ones.


Okay, fine. Rachel says you have to read her chapters, too, because--and I quote--"that's not fair." Whatever.

Well, in the spirit of being fair, I'll even let you preview a little bit of VENUS ENVY, and I'll let it be part of Rachel's chapter. And, I'll chose one reader to win an Advanced Reader Copy of VENUS ENVY.

So, here are the rules:

Read this excerpt.

2) E-mail the answer to the following question to (put OOTB BLOG PARTY in the subject line).

The question: What is Rachel's nervous habit? (See? I made it about her! Ha!)

3) The winner will be chosen randomly from among correct answers received by Friday October 20th.

Can't wait (or don't win)? You can pick up VENUS ENVY in stores starting on December 26th!

Oh, and check out Shannon McKelden's blog for some awesome upcoming news that is totally all about me! - Venus

Michelle's winner

Thank you to everyone who partied with me today! Woooo! *raises bottle of beer and howls at moon*

The winner of their choice of either of my books, plus any current paperback is: *drumroll*

PamK !!!

Please email me at michelle @ michellerowen . com with your choice of "Bitten & Smitten" or "Angel with Attitude", and what other book you would like + your address and I'll pop them in the mail for you this week.

Now I have to go sleep off this hangover.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Joining the fun with fact and fantasy

Hey there y'all! What fun! I'm supposed to post tomorrow (the 18th), but I'm jumping the gun because at 0730 I'll be at school dealing with parent-teacher conferences. Yes. God help me. I'm still teaching high school. Soooo...I've been excited about the mass market releases of DIVINE BY MISTAKE and (finally) it's sequel, DIVINE BY CHOICE, and I thought I'd post a little blurb about how real life sneaks into my books, especially these books - in particular, DIVINE BY CHOICE. And as a giveaway how about y'all blog in with bizarre things that have happened to you that are stranger than fiction (and would make excellent scenes in a paranormal!). To the winner I'll send signed copies of DIVINE BY MISTAKE and DIVINE BY CHOICE, as well as a lovely goddess necklace.

So, here goes my example:

I often get asked about how much of myself and my life ends up in my books. This question seems so simple to me. I mean, how could my experiences not influence my fiction? Many times it’s as simple as my characters eating at one of my favorite restaurants, or my heroine wearing a particularly wicked cool pair of boots that just happen to sit in my closet, too. But sometimes it’s decidedly more. Take a pivotal scene in DIVINE BY CHOICE...

Actually, my father would probably say, “No, you take the damn scene! I lived it!” And there’s my point (thanks Dad!). Okay, first I will freely admit that many people and places in the DIVINE books are from my life. Shannon’s a lot like me. Shannon’s best friend is a best friend of mine. Several of my teacher friends are in the book(s), as well as ex-students of mine. The Oklahoma locations are absolutely real. Which brings me to Shannon’s dad (and the MacCallan). Both are totally my dad, and the Oklahoma home I describe IS my parents’ home. wonderful dad has been my first reader for years and years. I also brainstorm with him, as well as get all my biological and ecological info from him. Which means he knows the plots of the novels intricately.

The winter before I was writing DIVINE BY CHOICE my father was in a horrible accident. During a freaky week of Oklahoma snowstorms, three of his greyhound pups broke through the ice of his pond. Dad tried to save them, and he broke through the ice, too. It was terrifying. He almost died (the pups all died). A few months later he and I were talking about DIVINE BY CHOICE, and how Nuada’s evil had been resurrected in Oklahoma, and how it was messing with the natural balance of things by creating blinding snowstorms/ice storms. Plus, Nuada had targeted Shannon’s loved ones and was trying to kill them...I think the light bulbs went on over both of our heads at the same time. Dad sighed and said, “Yes, you can use my pond accident.” I thought it was inappropriate to leap up and down and cheer and yell, “Ohmygod! Thanks Dad!” So I just asked if he was sure. I didn’t fool him (and haven’t been fooling him for 46 years). “Go on. Use it. I know you want to.” I did. And, yes, it was difficult to write. I usually make myself cry while I’m writing, but normally it doesn’t happen till the end of my books, and then I’m never sure whether the tears are induced by the poignant, moving conclusion, my exhaustion, or my level of alcohol poisoning. I suspect it’s a combo of all of those things. When I was writing the ‘Dad in the frozen pond scene’ I was bawling my eyes out, and I know for sure why. I was way into the scene. It felt real to me. AND IT WAS MY DAD! When I finished the scene Dad read it and told me that it gave him the creeps and was too damn real. (Excellent praise!)

YOUR TURN! What life events have you lived that could inspire fiction?

Winner of Star Quality

The winner of Star Quality signed by all three authors is:

Lisa Pulliam

Please email me with your mailing address to confirm your win.



Still haven't found the booze....

Mari, love that cover! And I am a BUFFY fan so I must check this out. Michelle, you having a good time in your corner of the blog party?

In my blog, the comment section is showing a great list of scary movies. It looks like CARRIE has a slight edge, with THE RING, THE GRUDGE, and SILENCE OF THE LAMBS showing honorable mentions.

There's still some time left to put your name in for winning those books. Good luck, and party on!

Stake That!

Wow - Crystal and Michelle are early birds! Guess I'm arriving to this party fashionably late. But hey - I've got prizes - so I'm forgiven, right???

First up — I'll be giving away an ARC of my upcoming title "STAKE THAT!" which is the second in my YA "BOYS THAT BITE" vampire series. It comes out in December. You don't have to be a teen to like these books - if you're a Buffy fan, this is a series for you.

Check out the short blurb below. And you can find out more by checking out my brand new teen website: or friend me on MySpace at

Destiny is, like, so unfair.

All I want is to be a vampire. But nooo-I have to be Rayne MacDonald, Vampire Slayer....

Sisters. They'll swipe your clothes, your boyfriends, your destiny. But it wasn't exactly my twin Sunny's fault. Magnus, vampire hottie and coven leader, mistook her for me last month and bit her instead. Now they're doing the inter-species dating thing.

But back to me. Turns out that for every generation, there's a Vampire Slayer-and this time around, it just happens to be yours truly. My first mission: infiltrate a seedy vamp bar downtown and expose its vampire owner for purposely spreading a blood disease he created himself. A task almost harder than passing trig.

After going it alone once, I realize I need help. So Magnus sends his hot homey Jareth to go undercover with me. And let me just say I wouldn't mind going under the covers with him. Maybe fate doesn't bite after all...

So how do you win? Just post a question or comment!! It's that simple. I'll be drawing from all entries later this afternoon!
Thanks for stopping by!!!


I see Michelle has gotten a big start on the morning! (Hey, Michelle!)

Unlike many of the incredible, prolific authors who are a part of outoftheblogosphere, I have only two paranormal books to offer as end-of-the-day prizes (I'll get into giveaway specifics in a second.). But do not be sad for me, for I have more coming out beginning in February, 2007. That's when my Vampire Babylon series hits the shelves, and the first book, NIGHT RISING, will be followed by two more soon after that: MIDNIGHT REIGN and BREAK OF DAWN. I don't have release dates yet for those last two, but I'll be keeping readers up to date on my Vampire Babylon site ( and regular site (

Clearly, Vampire Babylon is a "vampire novel," and it's in the same action/adventure Bombshell vein as THE HUNTRESS (my first vamp story). However, this time out, this tale was so big that I needed to tell it in three books. That's why the fantasy imprint Ace Trade is publishing it. And VB differs from THE HUNTRESS in tone: it's being called a "mystery/noir/fantasy" and I love that "noir" description most of all. Here's the back cover blurb:

Welcome to Hollywood—after dark…

Stuntwoman Dawn Madison is a girl with a lot of attitude—and a lot of issues, mostly about living up to the legacy of her mother, a world famous movie star/sex symbol, whose untimely death left Dawn to be raised by her dad Frank, nobody’s notion of single-father-of-the-year. Now that she’s all grown up, she and Frank aren’t on the best of terms, to say the least.

Still, he is her dad, and when he vanishes while investigating the bizarre sighting—caught on film—of a supposedly long-dead child star, she comes home to Tinseltown to join the search for him. Working with his colleagues—a psychic short in stature but big in dreams of stardom, a beautiful Latina techno-geek, and the P. I. firm’s never-seen boss—she discovers an erotic and bloody underground society made up of creatures she thought existed only on the screen.

They are devious. They are deadly. And some of them are dangerously attractive…

I'm going to come back to this party later to see if Michelle found the booze, and I'll be checking in with any comments. You can post basic comments, questions, OR you can tell me your favorite scary movie (I just guest blogged at The Midnight Hour, and that was the subject!). At the end of the day, I'll be choosing two random winners from any of my posts today. One prize is going to be a signed copy of THE HUNTRESS. The other prize will be a signed copy of TWICE BITTEN, which is a trade reprint of THE HUNTRESS.

See you later!

Michelle wants you to ask her anything...and WIN!

Ooo, a blog party. I love parties. This is almost as much fun as crashing the Harlequin party at RWA Nationals in Atlanta except for, you know, the free booze.

I'm pretty excited. Yesterday I handed in my editorial revisions for FANGED & FABULOUS (Warner Forever, July 2007), which is the sequel to my Waldenbooks bestseller BITTEN & SMITTEN. Let's just say a weight has been lifted. And I have two weeks before I start my next book, so I say PAR-TAY!

Here's the gist of my post. I want you to ask me anything, absolutely it about books, about publishing, about me, about love life advice (heh), about why the sky is blue. Ask me a question and I will try to answer it. At the end of the day I will choose one winner from the comments who will receive a signed copy of their choice of one of my books (either BITTEN & SMITTEN or ANGEL WITH ATTITUDE) and your choice of any other currently published paperback novel.

Ask and I shall answer.

*Michelle goes in search of the free booze*

Final Random Prize winner for Lucy Monroe

The final winner for the random drawing (for a book from my prize shelves) is:

Robin Snodgrass
Please email me with your mailing address to confirm your win.
I'll be drawing the winner for the copy of Star Quality signed by all three authors later today.

I’m giving away a magic wand

I’m hoping some of you party-goers will also stop by my blog at

So I’m offering one more prize. I’m going to give away a magic wand like the one in EDGE OF THE MOON to someone who visits my blog and comments on one of the posts. Then I’ll announce the winner at this party on Outoftheblogosphere later this week.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Midnight Secrets and Darkest Dreams

After her cousin Mary is mysteriously swept away by the sea, Cassiopeia journeys to the Killdaren estate in Dartmouth, England, disguised as a chambermaid, to uncover clues. What she discovers is the estate's enigmatic owner, Sean Killdaren, and the eerie family curse that he bears. As details of Mary's fate elude her, the shroud of darkness that Sean has created is luring Cassie in...

Visiting her recently wed sister at Dartmoor's End, Andromeda finds herself hopelessly drawn to the estranged twin of her new brother-in-law. But a dark shadow hangs over Alexander, one that may eclipse their hearts forever.

ONE lucky winner will win a copy of Midnight Secrets and an ARC of Darkest Dreams (coming December 2006). All you need to do to enter is leave a comment!

Touch a Dark Wolf Winners!!!





Please e-mail me (janajhanson at yahoo dot com) with your mailing address for your copy of Touch a Dark Wolf.


A lot of people have asked me when my next Berkley werewolf book is coming out. This is a good place to tell you that it’s called NEW MOON, and it will be published in March 2007. (Berkley moved it up from its original summer date!)

In NEW MOON, the heroine is from a parallel universe where many people have psychic powers--which gives me opportunities for many more story lines.

I introduced the heroine, Rinna, in SHADOW OF THE MOON. She helped the Marshall family defeat the mind vampire, Boralas, because his species have menaced her world for a long time.

I'm trying to ease my readers into the new universe, so I start in this world--where the hero, Logan Marshall, gets caught in a trap meant for Rinna. She brings him to her world to treat him for the poison that's injected into his leg.

But soon they come back here, and the book concludes in our world.

In this world, the only werewolves I know about are the Marshall brothers and cousins. And only males can be werewolves. But it's different in Rinna's world where lots of people have psychic powers. Rinna is a shape shifter. She can change into a wolf and also to another form that I don’t want to give away yet.
Rinna is being hunted by a powerful man from her universe who wants to enslave her and use her to found a dynasty. Logan helps her escape, but he has trouble functioning in her world, where nothing is as he expects it to be. And Rinna is equally confounded by this universe. She’s as likely to poke the prongs of a fork into an electrical outlet as she is to point a gun at Logan because she doesn’t understand that it’s a deadly weapon. And when the cops come after her asking to see her ID, she’s in big trouble.

I also bring the Marshall family back into the story when Rinna is kidnapped and the werewolves desperately try to track her.



Congratulations to Ellie who won an autographed copy of my Intrigue, NOWHERE MAN.
Ellie, please E-Mail me your full name and snail-mail address so I can send you your book.


More Recipes

Here are the two more recipes you all requested.

Salmon Spread
Rich and creamy, this spread is always a hit at parties.

Makes 2 1/8 cups

1 14.75-oz can red salmon, drained
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 3-oz package cream cheese cut into 3 or 4 pieces
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp instant minced onion
3/4 tsp dried dill weed
1 tsp prepared white horseradish
1/4 tsp salt, or to taste
3 or 4 drops hot pepper sauce
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans, divided
2 Tbsp finely chopped fresh parsley

1. Remove skin and bones from salmon. Break into small pieces. Set aside in a medium bowl.
2. In a food processor container, combine the salmon, mayonnaise, cream cheese, lemon juice, onion, dill, horseradish, salt, and hot pepper sauce. Process until almost completely smooth. Stir in about half the pecans.
3. Turn out mixture onto a piece of plastic wrap. Mold into a rounded shape, and set on a small serving plate. Remove plastic wrap. Coat surface of spread with parsley and remaining nuts.
4. Chill two or three hours before serving. Serve with celery sticks, Belgian endive, and red and green pepper sticks.

Chili Con Queso Dip
One of my favorite crowd-pleasers. Serve on small plates or use celery and other cut vegetables to dip up portions of the meat and cheese mixture.

Makes 120 servings, 2 tsp each

1 lb lean ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tsp minced garlic
1 16-oz jar mild salsa
2 tsp Splenda
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1/2 tsp salt, or to taste
1 8-oz package grated sharp Cheddar cheese

1. In a small Dutch oven or large pot, combine the ground beef, onion, and garlic. Cook over medium heat until the beef is brown, breaking up any large pieces of onion, five or six minutes.
2. Add the salsa, Splenda, chili powder, cumin, and salt. Stir to mix well. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 15 minutes, stirring frequently, to allow the flavors to blend. Remove from heat. Stir in cheese until melted.
3. Serve warm in a chafing dish or on a hot plate. Leftovers keep 3 or 4 days in the refrigerator covered. Reheat in the microwave.

First 2 Prize Winners for Lucy Monroe

And the first two winners for the random drawing (for a book from my prize shelves) are:


Please email me with your mailing address to confirm your win.


P.S. Since the drawings are random, yep...other authors can and do win too. LOL

Touch a Dark Wolf Teaser!!


She should move, scramble to the front seat of the SUV and get out of range. But she didn’t; she stared into his iridescent blue eyes as if mesmerized. This was not happening. This injured, delusional stranger was not hitting on her, he was not pushing her hot buttons, and she was not responding to him.

She’d been seeing Ben & Jerry’s exclusively for too damn long.

Erin cautiously ran her gaze over Jared. A six-foot something hunk of power thighs, pumped pecs, and piercing blue eyes didn’t walk by every day. The man was so potent that even his light touch was a heady aphrodisiac. The sensations he drew from her were stronger than anything she’d ever know, or at least could remember. It had been a while.

You don’t know him from Adam.
Eve didn’t know Adam either—at first.

He brushed her lips again, and she gasped as little fissures of electric heat zinged to her breasts and below…

Jared couldn’t stop himself from touching her mouth, fascinated by the new sensations of pleasure replacing the pain in him. Pleasure that made him want to touch her more, to explore the realm of desire he’d only heard of before, but had never experienced. When he’d pressed his hand against her a few moments ago, he’d felt such inviting softness that he wanted t bury himself within the comfort and ease she brought. But that was not a warrior’s way.

He leaned back in the seat and grimaced at the sharp edge of pain that grew stronger, the farther he moved from Erin. With that pain came a greater awareness of the sweet, heady scent of her blood and a dark hunger clamored inside of him. He gritted his teeth, pummeling the need with his steely will. He would have to leave before he killed her.

She was an Elan and the Fallen fed upon the blood of the Elan.

He would soon walk with the Fallen.

To win a copy of Touch a Dark Wolf -- Leave a comment! I'll randomly draw 2 winners on Jennifer's behalf before 9 pm tonight!

Touch a Dark Wolf

Jennifer St. Giles begins a dazzling new series that takes you into a world of seductive shape shifters and mystical beings, and into the hearts of a band of heroic warriors known as The Shadowmen. . . .

Yesterday, Erin Morgan worked for a pioneering Manhattan medical center. Today, she's on the run, witness to a chilling conspiracy. Fleeing for her life in the Tennessee mountains, she is run off the road by a mysterious beast . . . and things only get stranger when she wakes the next day to find a naked Adonis sprawled on the hood of her car.

For centuries, Jared has been a shape shifter, sworn to protect mortals like Erin. But in saving her, Jared has damned himself, for the poison from his battle wound stirs a terrible blood lust. Determined to protect Erin, Jared stays by her side and discovers a sensual rapture beyond imagining . . . and a love that can change his fate. But can Jared overcome his savage thirst and protect Erin from the beast within?

Jennifer St. Giles is Here in Spirit!!

Hi all! Jennifer is moving and her internet connection is spotty so I'll be posting on her behalf. Here's a bit more about Jennifer:

Jennifer has been a member of RWA and GRW since 1994. She has served on the board of GRW and has been a committee chair for the Moonlight and Magnolias conference for the past nine years. With her third child, she quit her job as a nurse and became a home educator to her three children and pursued her life long dream of writing in her "spare time".

During the nine-year journey to the world of being a published author, Jennifer has won a number of awards for writing excellence. The Maggie Award, the Molly's Unsinkable Heroine Award, the Marlene Award, the Daphne du Maurier Award including Best of the Best, and finally Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Award.

She lives in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband of twenty-three years, her three children, two cats, one dog, and a two-handfuls of neighborhood kids who make the household the wildest most wonderful Grand Central Station in existence.

You can visit Jennifer's website, blog or at MySpace.

Teriyaki Wings--as requested

Teriyaki Wings
As requested, here’s the recipe for Teriyaki Wings
I use Splenda in this recipe because I wanted it to be as low in carbs as possible. You could substitute sugar

Makes about 24 servings

1/4 cup light soy sauce
2 Tbsp peanut oil
2 Tbsp Chinese cooking wine or dry sherry
1 tsp Splenda
3/4 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp minced garlic
2 1/4 lb chicken wings

1. In a large bowl or ceramic casserole, mix together soy sauce, oil, wine, Splenda, ginger, and garlic.
2. With a sharp knife, cut wing tips from wings and discard. Disjoint wings and put them in bowl with marinade. Stir to coat. Cover and refrigerate 2 or 3 hours or up to 12 hours, stirring occasionally.
3. Transfer wings and marinade to a 9 1/2- by 13-inch baking pan. Broil about 4 inches from heat, turning wings and basting occasionally with sauce for 17 to 20 minutes until wings are cooked through and begin to brown. Serve warm. Wings can be cooked ahead and reheated in the broiler or microwave.

I've got some other favorite party recipes. Chili Con Queso Dip, Hot Artichoke and Spinach Dip, Salmon Spread. If you want me to share those, let me know. I'm taking them from Fabulous Lo-Carb Cuisine, so they're all the low carb versions.

Teriyaki Wings--as requested

I screwed this up the first time I tried to post it. So the recipe appears above.

Honk if you Like Paranormal

I'm new at this. I like Lucy's idea of asking some questions you can answer--to make it easier to respond to posts.
So--if you're here, you must be a fan of the paranormal.
I'd love to know how you got into your F&SF reading habits.

With me, it was the library basket that the D. C. Public Library delivered to our classrooms every month. I was in fifth grade, and when the teach took RED PLANET, by Robert Heinlein, out of the basket and I saw the cover, I knew I had to read that book. So when we were told we could come and choose, I mowed all the boys down to get to that one. And I've been reading F&SF ever since.

More give aways

I’d also love to give away some books during our party. I’ll draw names from people who respond to my posts and announce winners as the party goes on.

I’ll start with my classic paranormal Intrigue–NOWHERE MAN, which was named as one of RT’s 400 all-time favorite books and won the Affaire de Coeur award for Best Contemporary in 1997. I’ll be giving away the reprint edition.

I’d also like to give away two other paranormal Intrigues: SPELLBOUND and THE SECRET NIGHT.

I’ve got another really fun paranormal Intrigue out this month. It’s CHAIN REACTION.

Here’s a little bit about the book:
After security expert, Gage Darnell, was rocked by a weapons lab explosion, he regained consciousness as a captive in a mental institution. He managed to escape, using strange powers he seemed to have acquired as a result of the explosion. But escape couldn't end his waking nightmares. When he turned on the radio in his stolen car, he found out he was now a murder suspect. And when cops surrounded his house, there was only one way to escape--kidnap his wife.

Would Lily believe the murder changes leveled against him? Or would she try to turn him in?

And things only went downhill from there.

CHAIN REACTION is the first book in the Security Breach series. Next up are Ann Voss Peterson and Patricia Rosemoor. The cool thing about the series is that the explosion gives some of our heroes paranormal powers. But it also gives them to some of the bad guys.

I’m thrilled that Intrigue let us do this series–with serious paranormal elements.


I’d also love to give away a copy of my first Berkley werewolf book–KILLING MOON.


Party Favors...Prizes...And Fabulous Books

What's a party without party favors? Well, I know for a fact that this one is going to have plenty...along with lots of fun posts by the great authors participating in this blog.

My first Children of the Moon werewolf story isn't out until December, in the UNLEASHED anthology with Rebecca York, Susan Kearney, and Diane Whiteide. (I am so totally excited to be in an anthology with these amazingly talented authors. They're on *my* keeper shelves and I'm in a book with them...can we say Fan Girl moment? LOL) So anyway, I don't have any stories about uber sexy werewolves to give away just yet. But I *do* have a copy of Star Quality, an anthology by Lori Foster, Dianne Castell and myself (with my first paranormal novella centered around the theme of the blue moon). And it's signed by ALL three of us. I'll draw a name from comments on this blog post on Tuesday to win the book. I will also be giving away random books by other authors from my prize shelves to three other winners throughought the day today (Monday). So, PLEASE, check back to see if you've won.

And speaking of my Children of the Moon stories, I'm pretty darn excited about them too. Both my novella Come Moonrise in Unleashed and my historical single title Moon Awakening (out next February) are set in the same universe...just different time periods. I've got definite plans for more werewolves, both contemporary and historical. If you want to find out more about this world, visit my Children of the Moon website. It's got a free online read, character sketches complete with CGI images of my characters, a glossary of terms and more.

To make it easy to comment on this blog post, I've got a discussion question for you: Barring Hugh Jackman (because, come on - he's a gimme)...what actor would you most like to see playing a werewolf? Would he be a dark, brooding type (Hugh Jackman) or playful with a little of that side of the canine nature coming out in him (Michael J Fox)?

Hi everyone!

Since we’re having a party, I’d like to start with some party food.

Have you ever gone to a restaurant and had something great to eat and thought, “I wish I could do that at home?”

Since I also write cookbooks, I often go home and try to recreate restaurant food. Here’s one of my favorites–

Buffalo Wings

Did you realize how easy they are? Just buy a big pack of chicken wings from the grocery store, and you’re in business.

Makes 30 servings
3 1/2 lb chicken wings
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup hot pepper sauce such as Tabasco
1/2 Tbsp white vinegar.

1. Preheat broiler. Cut wing tips from wings and discard. Cut wings apart at joint, and put them in a 9 1/2- by 13-inch baking pan.
2. In a small bowl, Mix together butter, hot sauce, and vinegar. Pour over wings, and stir to coat.
3. Broil about 4 inches from heat, turning wings and basting 3 or 4 times with sauce, for 20 to 25 minutes until wings are cooked through and begin to crisp and brown.
4. Serve warm the traditional way, with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks. Wings can be cooked ahead and reheated in the broiler or microwave.

I write my cookbooks under my own name. The recipe above is from FABULOUS LO-CARB CUISINE.

I also have a great recipe for Teriyaki Wings. Would you like that one, too?

If you visit my blog,, you can scroll down and see a cute picture of dh with his cat. They’re a very tight couple.

Rebecca York/Ruth Glick

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Starting tomorrow, we've got a big party going right here. (From October 16 to 26)
Lucy Monroe, Jenni St. Giles, and I are up tomorrow.

We'll chat about books and (almost) anything else you'd like to read about.
My first post will be about party food. I'll reveal the secret of making fantastic Buffalo Wings at home. I'm also giving away four books.
So check in and see what we've got planned.
Rebecca York

Monday, October 02, 2006

Release: Parallel Heat by Deidre Knight

The second book in a thrilling new trilogy...

In Parallel Attraction, Deidre Knight created an unforgettable alternate world of danger, seduction and the mysteries of time. Here she returns to that world as alien warrior Marco McKinley is enlisted to personally protect beautiful human solider Thea Haven. Now, as two sworn enemies are pitted against each other, their lives will be changed forever by the unpredictable perils of love, betrayal, vengeance and passion.

Little do Marco and Thea know, but they have met before in an alternate universe, and they are bound by betrayal and vengeance. Now, on a world at the brink of destruction, forbidden passion ignites-but will the destiny Marco has glimpsed unfold a second time?

Release: Hell With the Ladies feat. Julie Kenner

Three all-new stories of sinfully sexy men-and the women who change their wicked ways.

One is a hotshot corporate raider. One is an infamous artist. One is a high-class thief with a taste for danger.

Meet the sons of Satan.

Jack, Nick, and Marcus are on a quest to win their father's throne-and rule the underworld. But if it's up to three strong-minded, seductive women, they'll achieve their goal when Hell freezes over.

Release: Seduced by Magic by Cheyenne McCray

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